Enchanted Symbols

Weekly Intuitive Tarot Reading (28th June to 5th July 2020)

Weekly Intuitive Tarot Reading (28th June to 5th July 2020)

  The cards for this week's Tarot reading are: 8 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles, The Chariot And the message that's coming through is: Rest & relaxation are as productive as hustle. Intuitive Summary: Gotta say, 2020 has kinda been relentless, no? It's been an intense few weeks! Well, intensity is good but.. The cards are here to remind us that.. Rest & relaxation are equally important. So this week.. Take a breather. Take time out for yourself. Take time out to hang out with loved ones (6 ft apart & all?!). Take time out for what you love doing....

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Weekly Intuitive Tarot Reading 6/21/2020

Weekly Intuitive Tarot Reading 6/21/2020

  Yesterday marked the first day of summer with the Solstice & things really seem to be heating up, no? The cards too seem to want to light a fire & shake us up! So, the cards for this week's Tarot reading are:  5 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles, The Tower   And the message that's coming through is:   YOU are the creator of your reality. Don't forget that!   Intuitive Summary:   This week the cards are dishing out some kick in the behind tough love; no beating about the bush.   The invitation is to quit messing around & realize how powerful you...

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Weekly Intuitive Tarot Reading for 6/14/2020

Weekly Intuitive Tarot Reading for 6/14/2020

  The cards for this week's Tarot reading are: Ace of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, Knight of SwordsAnd the message that's coming through for this week is actually an affirmation:The universe is on my side and things are working out for me!Intuitive Summary:This week brings with it opportunities related to finances, career, work, passion projects etc. Yay! But the universe does work in mysterious ways.Sometimes, it presents us with opportunities that are flat out obvious.Other times, it's more subtle. That is to say.. Opportunities exist but tend to hide in plain sight & to be able to recognize & make...

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